Friday, October 23, 2015

"They're Just Lumps of Fat!"

Hello, awesome people

My last couple of posts were too serious for my blood. I like to keep things silly. You know, I don't want to be a Debbie Downer. Although, I bet Debbie Downer has Quaaludes... ludes man... ludes

I promise to make this post more upbeat, so let's talk about boobies! Everyone loves boobies...

However, if everyone loves breasts, then why can't you show naked breasts on TV or in public? Is it going to pervert the children? It's strange that people think that seeing breasts will corrupt their children when breasts themselves are designed for children. Breasts aren't just for fun, they are actually intended to be used to feed babies. Our infants and toddlers are supposed to be getting that boob action, but instead we give them a plastic bottle. It's like we are turning them into alcoholics, because I often repress my desire for breasts with a bottle, and when I've been drinking, I also fall asleep in random places and maybe even soil myself, if the night is interesting enough... jk

We can all agree that sex is good and violence is bad (all things considered). If you can't agree on that, then remember there is a commandment not to kill, but God also commands that we have sex, "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply." In case you don't know, by "multiply", God means he wants you to "get it on" ("get it on" is the technical term). But an atheist can agree that sex is good and violence is bad; there are scientific reasons to approve of sex; it's healthy. Generally, violence is not healthy, unless your workout is punching suckers.

Tae Bo
You know who else likes to beat up imaginary bad guys? Meth addicts...

I think most sane people can agree that violence is bad and sex is good, but that's not how we behave. The other day I turned on the TV and I saw someone get kicked in the nuts, I saw someone get decapitated, and I saw another person get set on fire, and that was just what was on Nickelodeon, but heaven forbid you see a boobie on TV. If you want to see sex, then you have to change it to the Disney Channel. Somewhere, some little girl is waking up from a 5 year coma and is saying, "what the fuck happened to Hannah Montana!?" Look, little girl, just because you woke up from a coma doesn't mean you get to use foul language. I'll tell you what happened to Hannah Montana; we happened to her.

Sure, you can see all kinds of news footage of violent scenes as long as they preface it with, "the following footage is graphic in nature and may be unsuitable for some audiences or some bullshit," but I run naked on the news one time and all of a sudden I'm a criminal.

I know why people think boobies are not to be shown, because they were brainwashed against them. There's no logical reason for it. There are so goddamned many cultures where full nudity is not a problem. Even this article from The American Conservative even states that "This kind of thing is what happens when a culture has what I consider to be a disordered view of the human body, specifically the breasts. It runs parallel to pornography, this leering, panicked modesty. It is challenging to teach one’s children how to tell the difference between art and pornography when it comes to depictions of the nude human form, but it is necessary to try..." That's really the problem. We have conflated nudity with sex, and bare breasts are not allowed to be used to feed babies in public, because people associate them with sex and not nourishment.

The other day I saw a very obese man standing by the PCH outside of Santa Monica, and he was topless drying himself off with a towel. That guy's breasts were bigger than my last 2 girlfriends! Why is that guy allowed to show his boobs, but not women? Is it because no one wants to see his boobs? Then shouldn't we switch it around, so he has to keep his covered up and the boobs we want to see can be set free? The good people at Free the Nipple having been fighting to get equal breast rights for women, because when it comes down to it, to tell women that they have to hide their chest, but tell men they don't is not just stupid, it's a sexist double standard.

Venus de Milo on display at the  Louvre
Apparently boobs made of marble are beautiful, but not real boobs on a person with a vagina.
It's not that I think that women should show their breasts (I'm not that big of a pervert), it's that I think that women have the moral right to show their breasts if they choose to, and so I think they should have legal rights to do so. Here's where Libertarians tend to get it right. One should have the right to do what they want with their bodies as they see fit, as long as that doesn't interfere with other people's happiness. There's no good reason to prevent women from showing their breasts other than some people just don't like it. Well that's not good enough to make it illegal. Some people don't like it that gay people kiss in public; but we don't make laws against that, because even if 99% of the population is against something, that doesn't mean shit, because 99% of people could be wrong (appeal to popularity). The problem is, who knows what is right? Me obviously!

So in conclusion, I am really tired to talking about boobs, because women are not just their bodies. "Luminous beings are we. Not this crude matter." So, let's just grow the fuck up and stop giving a shit about stuff that doesn't matter. It doesn't really matter if a woman shows her breasts, as that doesn't really affect anyone. However, it does matter that depression is on the rise in the U.S. and the world in general. It does matter that 21,000 children die everyday because they are too poor. And it does matter that women still don't have equal rights in this country.

Alright, I guess that's a good fourth post... boobies, breasts and bosoms... not bad.

Love & Justice for all!

-Jonathan David

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